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Start Your Exciting Journey in the Cub Scouts

There is no better program for Boys and Girls from Kindergarten to 5th grade than Cub Scouting. Through activities, crafts, and games Cub Scouts have fun while they learn values that will serve them for a lifetime. While doing these activities they earn badges and awards. They discover the satisfaction of achieving what they set out to do. This builds their self-esteem and self-confidence. The Cub Scout Motto is, “Do Your Best” and that is the standard their projects and advancements are based. This allows for all children to succeed in the program. While they are having fun they are learning about the world around them. You will be amazed how your child looks forward to learning more and more every meeting. In addition, they develop friendships with their fellow members. Today children need friends they interact with in person and Cub Scouting provides this.

two young boy scouts placing american flags in graveyard

A Program With a Mission

The Scouting America has a mission to prepare youth to make moral and ethical decisions during their lives. We instill this quality in them through the values we teach in our Scout Oath and Law. Scouting has four aims for participants to develop: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership. Cub Scouts learn to belong to a den, living the ideals of scouting, advance, serve the community, engage in activities, stay involved with their families, and wear the uniform through various activities and learning opportunities. Our goal is to help active Cub Scouts grow into the best versions of themselves throughout their childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Advancement, Adventures, & Awards

In Scouting, children have fun as they gain new skills and shape their character. While in the Cub Scouts, they enjoy activities centered around earning belt loops for each grade level. Belt Loops refer to a child’s progress toward Scouting as an advancement. Their adventures include exciting and enriching activities and skillsets, including the six outdoor essentials: first aid, nature, science, hiking, sports, citizenship, and many other categories. After a Cub Scout completes an adventure, they receive recognition for their achievement with an adventure pin or adventure Belt loop. Scouts can also earn a wide array of other awards, which may include the recruiter patch, the religious emblem of their faith, conservation, and other options.

Costs & Benefits of K-5 Scouting

Scouting as a year-round program is much less expensive than many other seasonal activities like sports. Enrolling your child in Cub Scouts is an investment in their education and future. Scouting has partnered with foundations, colleges, and universities to study our program’s impact, and it is proven to work and benefit your child’s healthy development.

The other good news is many units have fundraising events during the year which allow the Scouts to earn their own way. Once in the program, many children cover all their activity fees with proceeds from those events and activities. Your local unit will be able to give you the details. CLICK HERE To find out more now by finding a unit near you.

Find Growth & Adventure in Scouting America