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Scouting in California and Nevada

Find Growth and Adventure with Scouting America in California and Nevada

Does your child crave excitement and opportunities to develop their character? Scouting America will gladly help them start their adventure with a unit that fits your needs and engrosses your child or adolescent in nature, values, and camaraderie. We offer various activities and programs to help them grow, learn, and have fun, including our Cub Scouts Packs for grades Kinder to fifth grade for good family time fun and Scouts BSA Troops for Boys and Girls from grades six through 12th, co-ed Venturing for 14 to 20 years old, Scouts, and Career Exploration options in our Posts. Our scouting organization serves the California and Nevada communities.


Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts
Grades K–5


Scouts BSA

Scouts BSA
Ages 11-17

be prepared

Sea Scouts
Ages 14-20



Career Exploration
Ages 14-20



Ages 10-20

little girl scout smiling

Ways to Get Involved with the Scouts

Scouting America invites you to take advantage of the enriching scouting events and opportunities our organization offers participants. Getting involved is as simple as attending one of our recruitment events. These events occur at the beginning of the school year and allow you to ask questions and meet the unit leader. You can also use the online application process to join with a completely digital process. If you have any questions outside a recruitment event, we invite you to contact your local council, who will direct you to the right district and your closest unit.

Learn More

Find a Pack or Troop Near Me

Follow the Simple Steps to Join Scouting

Joining Scouting America connects you with a long, rich history of values-based personal development, camping, and many other activities. Complete the following steps to start your scouting journey:

little boy looking at map

Fun and Growth Await Youth in California and Nevada

Enjoy the benefits, skills training, and enrichment. Scouting America is what is offered to youth throughout California and Nevada. We are ready to immerse Scouts in camping, merit badges, and many other activities.

Adventure and Excitement Await You

Your child wants fun, excitement, and adventure. You want your child to become the best person possible. You want them to learn positive values to develop their character. The year-round program of Scouting gives you what you want and the fun you want.

Scouting has programs for all children from kindergarten through 18 years old and the amazing benefits of Scouting America are now available to girls.

Activities, events, and program kids love is now available to everyone. Hiking, crafts, games, camping, community service projects, fishing, and swimming are just some of the fun kids have while being exposed to the best character development program.

While they are having fun they build lifelong friendships!

Don’t let them miss out on all Scouting has to offer. Click here or on the button to find out where your child can get in on all the fun.

group of kid scouts

How Can I Get In on the Fun?

It’s as simple as finding a Scouting unit near you. Because scouting has year-round activities you can join in on the fun right now.

Here’s how to do it:

Click on the link here and you will be taken to a page, which can help you find a unit near you. You just enter your ZIP Code and click on the age group your child is in. It will take you to a page listing who you can call or email to join.

For some units, you can even fill out the application online. Either way, it’s simple.

Once you found a local unit or units you can visit them and check them out.

What if I have more than one child? Can both join the same unit? If they are in the same age range program yes. The good news is many Cub Scout packs are affiliated with Scouts BSA troops and your children would be in the same age-appropriate group for them.

Most important click here and find where your child can join in on all the fun and adventure of Scouting.